Biochem-512 (List of Practical) 3(1-2)

  1. Preparation of different nature of solutions:  (molar and normal, percentage). (S1: 2.1, 2.3, 2.7-2.9, 2.11, 2.12)
  2. Preparation of buffers of different molarity and pH. (S1: 2.22 to 2.24)
  3. Demonstration about diffusion, dialysis, Donnan’s equilibrium and osmosis. (S1: 2.25, 2.26)
  4. Chromatography: Paper chromatography. One dimensional two dimensional, (S1: 4.4, 6.9)
  5. circular and column chromatography.  (S1: 4.8, 4.15)
  6. Carbohydrate analysis, Estimation of glucose  by spectrophotometer (S1: 3.1 to 3.3, 3.6, 3.9, 3.12)
  7. True protein estimation by Biuret/Bradford and UV method.  (S1: 4.10, 4.11, 4.14)
  8. Proximate analysis of foods and feed. (S1: 7.1 to 7.11)
  9. Estimation of vitamin-A and C. (S1: 7.1 to 7.11)
  10. Glycogen; Isolation and characterization. (S1: 3.16, 3.17)

Ali, M. et al., Experimental Biochemistry and Biotechnology (Series I), 2023, 3rd  edition, ISBN: 978-969-7502-04-1.

  1. Mid-term syllabus of Biochem-512: Good lab practices. Laboratory safety: Hazards in biochemistry laboratory, general safety measures, chemical, physical and biological hazards, spillage and waste disposal, radiation safety and first aid. General laboratory procedures, Laboratory glassware,  (usually chapter 1 of experimental Biochemistry and biotechnology covers theory part of mid-exam) + molar and molal solutions…. (no calculations but general information about them)

…. PLUS…. First 150 MCQs from each of chapters 2, 3 of the book ” MCQs in Biochemistry”. MCQs from the taught concepts and book chapters will also appear in the exam.

Final exam Biochem-512: Standard procedures for preparation and storage of reagents. Buffers and solution chemistry. Theoretical background of chromatography. Importance of Biochemical analysis in plant and animal sciences.  (usually chapter 1 of experimental Biochemistry and biotechnology plus principles of taught practical covers theory part of final exam)

 …. PLUS…. First 150 MCQs from chapters 2,3,4 of the book ” MCQs in Biochemistry”. MCQs from the taught concepts and book chapters will also appear in the exam.

Start preparing your presentations and assignments….. Assignment submission right after mid-exam. The presentations will also be started after mid-term exam.


Assignments and presentations of Biochem-512: 

  1. The weightage of the assignment and presentation will be decided later. 
  2. Start preparing your presentations and assignments….. Assignment submission is 18-04-2023.
  3. The presentations will also be started right after the mid-term exam.
  4. PPT file should not contain any designing/colours other than figures and diagrams.
  5. Slides should be in 16X9 ratio.
  6. Fonts of all header should be same and of all other text should be same. 
  7. For detailed guidelines about the presentation of research article, visit: https://www.lifesciencesorg.combiochem-720/
  8. Download the template ppt file to make your presentation. The link is here (copy this link and paste in a new tab).
  9. Strictly follow the ppt format and it is better if you write and paste your material in the same ppt file.

K. General Question to be asked during presentation

  1. 1) Pathway or importance of gene/technology/discovery
  2. 2) Rationale
  3. 3) Conclusion of the full article
  4. 4) Conclusion of every figure
  5. 5) New findings presented in the article
  6. 6) Applications of the findings
  7. 7) Future prospective
  8. 8) Applications of the work
  9. 9) Principle of every technique used in the research article

Moreover, provide me a printed summary of your article containing the above headings given under ‘K’.

L. During Presentations, for EVERY FIGURE and graph, we may ask:

1. The Principle of the experiment.
2. The Reason for doing the experiment.
3. The Physiological importance of the figure.
4. The Conclusions of the figure
5. Prepare well objectively and subjectively



Link to download the book ( MCQs in Biochemistry) is here.

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2017-ag-9382 Haidar Iftikhar

2017-ag-10077 Ahmad Faraz 

BIOCHEM-512                  BIOCHEMICAL TECHNIQUES                  3(1 -2)

 Course Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course students will be able to;

1.    Understand lab safety related knowledge and protocols, alongwith general lab tools and instruments

2.    Related advance knowledge of chromatography, dialysis, photometry, electrophoresis in the analysis of biomolecules

3.    Estimate and identify biomolecules via chromatography, colorimeter/spectrophotometer, titrations etc.

4.    Analyse food and feed samples and learn electrophoresis



Good lab practices. Laboratory safety: Hazards in biochemistry laboratory, general safety measures, chemical, physical and biological hazards, spillage and waste disposal, radiation safety and first aid. General laboratory procedures; Laboratory glassware and basic instrumentation; Standard procedures: Preparation and storage of reagents. Donnan’s equilibrium; Theoretical background of chromatography; Basics of electrophoresis; Importance of biochemical analysis in plant and animal sciences.



Study principles of spectrophotometry/colorimetry by preparing absorption spectra of any given sample; Prove Beer’s law by creating standard graph between absorbance and concentration; Demonstration about diffusion, dialysis and osmosis; Chromatography: Paper chromatography, one dimensional two dimensional, circular and column chromatography; Carbohydrate analysis and estimation of glucose by spectrophotometer; True protein estimation by Biuret/Bradford and UV method; Cholesterol/sterol estimation by LB reagent method; Proximate analysis of foods and feed; Glycogen: Isolation and characterization; Electrophoresis of proteins/nucleic acids.


Suggested Readings

  1. Boyer, R.F. 2014. Modern Experimental Biochemistry. 3rd Ed. The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Co., USA.
  2. Kaushik, G.G., N. Sharma, S. Dabeer and R. Jindal. 2020. Practical Manual of Biochemistry. CBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt Ltd, India.
  3. Sawhney, S.K. and R. Singh. 2014. Introductory Practical Biochemistry. Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, India.
  4. Shawn, O.F.  and L.E. Taylor. 2009. Biochemistry Lab Manual. Cengage Learning, USA.
  5. Varley, H., A.H. Gowenlock, J.R. McMurray and D.M. McLauchlan. 2006. Varley’s Practical Clinical Biochemistry. 6th Ed. CBS Publishers and distributors. New Delhi, India.
  6. Wilson, K. and J. Walker. 2018.  Practical Biochemistry: Principles and Techniques. 8th Ed. Cambridge University Press, UK.
  7. Ali, M. et al., Experimental Biochemistry and Biotechnology (Series I), 2023, 3rd  edition, ISBN: 978-969-7502-04-1.
  8. Ali, M. et al., Experimental Biochemistry and Biotechnology (Series II), 2023. 2nd edition, ISBN: 978-969-7502-05-8.
  9. Ali, M. et al., Experimental Biochemistry and Biotechnology (Series III), 2024, 1st edition, ISBN: 978-969-7502-06-5.
This is template... Try to write, whatever headings are possible for a practical.
Life Sciences by Dr. Muhammad Ali
This is template... Try to write, whatever headings are possible for a practical.

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