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Top Row, from right to left: Dr. Muhamad Shahid, Prof. Dr. Abdul Haque, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Asghar, Prof. Amer Jamil, Prof. Dr. Sajjad ur Rahman
Bottom Row, from right to left: Dr. Sultan Ali, Dr. Muhammad Ali, Dr. Sanaullah Sajid, Dr. Faheem Azher
One day workshop on “National Training Workshop on ELISA Based Diagnostics” was organized on 26-05-2022 by the Department of Biochemistry, Institute of Microbiology and Sultan Group.
Prof. Dr. Muhammad Asgher, Prof. Amer Jamil, and Prof. Dr. Abdul Haque Rector Akhuwat-FIRST emphasized the importance of practical training in inaugural session. The Chairman extended gratitude to Prof. Dr. Iqrar Ahmad Khan, worth Vice Chancellor University of Agriculture, Faisalabad for providing a conducive environment and support for academics and research activities in the University. The training was meant to train the young researchers to have a true experience of accurate, efficient, and easy techniques like ELISA. It was a joint venture of scientific supplies and academia. The resource persons Prof. Dr. Sajjad ur Rahman, Dr. Sultan Ali and Dr. Muhammad Shahid delivered valuable talks on the types and applications of ELISA. Practical training was conducted by Dr. Muhammad Ali and Dr. Sanaullah Sajid in the new Postgraduate Biochemistry Block. Dr. Faheem CEO of Sultan Group®, presented a talk on the selection of chemicals for research and the services he is offering to academics. He also presented how he help academia and students and his team. Their team is experienced & professional in providing laboratory supplies in less than 24 hours across the country. The Workshop was sponsored by Sultan Group. This event was a nice example of cooperation between the private and public sectors. The Chairman appreciated Dr. Muhammad Ali, Convener of the workshop and faculty and staff of the department for a successful event where participants had practical training on the technique.
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